Executive Board Members


Jarron Long (‘23)

Jarron is a senior in Grace Hopper College from Chicago, Illinois. A participant in high school ethics bowl, he was excited to learn that Yale had a team of its own and got involved in his first year. As co-president, he is especially interested in finding ways for Yale Ethics Bowl to serve communities both on and off campus.  Outside of ethics, Jarron has a passion for jazz, sociology, and comic books. 

Edward Seol (‘24)

Edward is a junior from just outside Chicago, Illinois studying Humanities and Ethics, Politics, and Economics. After competing in Ethics Bowl for two years, he launched the Northrop Distinguished Speaker Series. Outside of the Yale Society of Ethics, Edward enjoys writing for the Yale Daily News, researching comparative politics, and reading classics of world literature.

Gabe Ransom (‘24)

Gabe is a junior in Silliman College from Orem, Utah double majoring in History of Science, Medicine and Public Health, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Gabe led an ethics bowl team for four years in high school and has loved continuing his passion at Yale as co-president. Outside of Ethics Bowl, Gabe is involved in Yale’s Global Health program, and works in a lab studying transmission of infectious diseases in urban slums in Brazil.




Mandy Buster (‘25) - Education Logistics Director

Mandy Buster, Davenport class of 2025, is studying History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health with a concentration in Bioethics. She is originally from Phoenix, Arizona, and is looking forward to her second year of Ethics Bowl, with more in-person events to come! Outside of ethics bowl, she competes with Yale Undergraduate Moot Court, drinks overpriced coffee, and plays the drums.

Nate Olson (‘24) - Treasurer

Nate is a junior in Davenport College from Montgomery County, MD. As an Ethics, Politics, and Economics major, he’s long been interested in ethics and philosophy more broadly. Nate did debate in high school, and got involved with ethics bowl because he was interested in participating in a competitive academic activity again but with more of a philosophical focus. Outside of ethics bowl, Nate enjoys backpacking and playing piano and grand strategy games.